Natalia Chigireva
Red Food Color Health Benefits

Red Food Color Health Benefits

Red foods for oxidative stress Be they scarlet, vermillion, or ruby red, these plants have an abundance of antioxidants that support the immune system and prevent inflammation. Vivid red foods are sending your eyes an important message that they’re full of gut stuff. There are phenols and polyphenols, both aromatic organic compounds, as well as contain carotenoids, bright pigments that also help prevent cell damage. Studies into these phytochemicals indicate that they have antioxidant (to protect from free radical damage) and anti-inflammatory properties. They also support general immune system health, modulating its activities so it reacts appropriately to stressors in your daily life. However, it’s not as simple as it seems, so we asked an expert to explain, and who...

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Natalia Chigireva
Purple & Blue Food Color Benefits

Purple & Blue Food Color Benefits

Purple is for cognition and mood Purple foods contain polyphenols which are renowned for their benefits for mood and brain function. Blue and purple plant foods are full of antioxidants, particularly those known to protect the brain and nervous system from oxidative stress and inflammation. Anthocyanins give these plants their blue-purple pigment and can cross the blood-brain barrier to apply their benefits on brain cells. Blue foods are packed with nutrients that are known to improve cognitive health and mood, like anthocyanins, which are actually a type of flavonoid with potent antioxidant properties. There are many scrummy blue/purple fruits and vegetables that are good for brain health, like...

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Natalia Chigireva
Orange Food Color Health Benefits

Orange Food Color Health Benefits

The health properties of orange foods Orange foods are not too different from red foods, with the added benefit of supporting reproductive health in these times of ailing fertility. Don’t stop reading now because you’re not planning a baby. In fact, regardless of whether you want to procreate or not, your reproductive system needs to be functioning optimally. After all, the entire chemistry of your body is influenced by your biological sex from the moment you were conceived. They’re even involved with your brain, mood, and cognition. Phytonutrients in orange foods Alpha-carotene Bioflavonoids Beta-carotene Carotenoids (other) Beta-cryptoxanthin Curcuminoids As we mentioned, the antioxidants in orange foods are similar to those in red foods when it comes to combating oxidative stress. You can...

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Natalia Chigireva
Green Food Color Health Benefits

Green Food Color Health Benefits

Green fruits and vegetables Have you ever wondered why plant foods are so vibrant and appealing? Well, these pigments serve many purposes. For a start, these colorful pigments are attractive to other species, including human beings, who think they look good enough to eat. And then there are the bees who pollinate the plants by the power of color (fun fact — bees love the color blue). These pigments aren’t just for show, they also serve as defense mechanisms. For example, some of the pigments deter invaders from eating them by releasing antibacterial solutions and bitter tastes to put them off. The health benefits of plant foods come from these phytochemicals, notably their potential...

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